Somatic bodywork    

Get in touch with your own strength

Pantarei Practitioner Marita Nienstedt in her bodywork on a client who is lying on the table.

All our experiences are stored in our body. Whenever we feel stuck in our everyday lives, the past painfully catches up with us, the future triggers fears, strokes of fate challenge us or we are faced with decisions that paralyze us, we feel cut off from ourselves. In doing so, we overlook our own personal superpower - our own body.

With the help of my touch, your conscious breath and our conversation, we will create a safe space in which you can throw established patterns overboard, in which wounds can heal, in which new perspectives can emerge and the view of yourself can change permanently - because you become more aware of your uniqueness.

I accompany you in this healing process, in the conviction that you already have all the answers to your questions and all the solutions to your issues within you. I will support you in finding access through your body - the gateway to your own enormous strength.

We take 1.5 hours for the first session, all subsequent sessions last around 75 minutes. I charge 110 euros (incl. 19% VAT).
I look forward to seeing you.

Why I developed Pantarei for couples:

Far too often I see people feeling lonely in their relationship, cut off from each other, locked up, unloved and rejected. Instead of nurturing each other, the relationship becomes a battleground in which both can only lose, because the injuries inflicted on each other heal less and less, the distance grows, the alienation increases, the suffering deepens.

My experience shows that it’s never too late to set the course for a new, openhearted relationship. As a non-judgemental person from the outside, I am helpful for this, as are the rituals and the body-heart exercises that we develop together.

I was lucky enough to have lived a profound love that taught me a lot about relationships, even after his death. My great desire to strengthen couples on their journey together is therefore also a memorial to Jussi, my true hero.

Stay in touch in your relationship

Marita Nienstedt, Pantarei Practitioner, Körpertherapie, Paartherapie

What does a fulfilling love relationship mean to you? Do you live it? Do you feel understood? Do you show yourself with all your wishes, fears, hurts and longings? If not, what is stopping you? Do you want to free yourself from old baggage? Bury mutual judgments and blame in order to get the chance to look at each other with an open mind? Do you want to set off together - with a new loving YES for each other?

Then let's explore your relationship space together. How big is it? What do you like about it? What do you want to get rid of? What do you want to change? What expectations do you have of each other? What needs do you have? Would you like to ask more of each other with an open heart and mind? 

My aim is to create a space of encounter in which you can express your issues and the other person responds not only with words but also with touch. To this end, you will take turns to focus on feeling into yourself and expressing your emotions in a session guided by me. The other one will witness this process and, if you both wish, you can also actively participate.

In this way, we develop an intensified form of communication in which you can show yourselves purely, listen to each other without judgment and learn to trust the language of your body, which has a lot to say beyond words. The more you feel seen & understood, the more freely you can meet each other and connect more deeply than ever before.

Before the three of us get started, you will each come to me once individually so that I can get a feeling for you beyond the relationship structures. We will then take 2 hours for each session together. That's 100 euros/person, a total of 200 euros (incl. 19% VAT).
Looking forward to our journey together.